Bihar Board 12th English Vvi Subjective Questions Answer 2025 Short Questions Answer

Bihar Board 12th English Vvi Subjective Questions Answer 2025 Short Questions Answer

प्यारे साथियो आज के इस आर्टिकल में आप सभी को कक्षा 12वीं का महत्वपूर्ण सब्जेक्टिव क्वेश्चन बताने वाले हैं आप लोग इस सब्जेक्टिव क्वेश्चन को तैयारी कर लेते हैं तो आपका एग्जाम काफी बेहतर जाएगा और यह क्वेश्चन एग्जाम के व्यू से काफी हैं महत्वपूर्ण है यह क्वेश्चन हर साल आपका परीक्षा में आता है और 2025 के फाइनल बोर्ड परीक्षा में भी यह क्वेश्चन रहने वाले हैं तो नीचे दिए गए सारा सब्जेक्टिव क्वेश्चन को जरूर याद करें और अपने-अपने कॉपी में जरूर नोट करें

Bihar Board 12th English Vvi Subjective Questions –Overall 
Name Of Article Bihar Board 12th English Vvi Subjective Questions Answer 
Type of article Bihar Board 12th English 
Class Class 12th
Subject English 
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Bihar Board 12th English Vvi Subjective

1. What was the writer ? Why did he always obey Nanukaka ?

Ans- The writer was the Under-Secretary, on probation. He did not like the frequent arrival of Nanukaka but he obeyed him because he was the brother of his mother

2. What was the role of fire in our development ?

Ans- The invention of fire proved a milestone in our development. We began to fry our food. It acquainted us with creating light in darkness and protecting us from wild animals. Later on, it resulted in the art of cookery.

3. Where did Nanukaka go to meet the minister and with whom?

Ans– Nanukaka went to the North Block to meet the minister along with the writer who had to take two days’ leave from the office at the insistence of his mother.

4. How did the domestication of animals start ?

Ans– The domestication of animals started under the influence of religion and the needs of agricultural and family life.

5. What is as difficult as getting an interview with a Minister ?

Ans. To get sent on a foreign assignment is as difficult as getting an interview with a Minister for an Under Secretary on probation.

6. How with modern civilization the means of enjoyment increased?

Ans The means of enjoyment such as poetry, music, wine, football became available to us with the growth of civilization. But the question is whether they have made us happier than earlier

7. What is the relation between Sohanlal Ratiram and Ratiram ?

Ans– They are father and son. Sohanlal Ratiram is the party Boss in Delhi.

8. How has civilization taught us to be more friendly towards one another ?

Ans- Civilization gave us family life. We began to live in families and love our children and respect the elders. We also started being fond of domesticated animals. All this made us to be friendly towards one another.

9. How does the writer regard a minister?

Ans– The writer, an Under-Secretary on probation, regards ministers as being two steps higher than God. His remark however, is ironical.

10. In what dress did the writer go to the Minister along with Nanukaka ?

Ans- The writer went there in a Jodhpur coat. Nanukaka had tied a huge orange turban round his head

11. What was the condition of man in the beginning?

Ans– His condition was misereable. He led nomadic life. He lived in caves and jungles. He was afraid of wild animals. He did not know how to prepare his food.

12. Write a short note on English as the second language of India.

Ans- English is taught as the second language in India because Hindi is our national language. However, English has become the language of Science, Commerce and Technology. It is a global language. Therefore, the working knowledge of English is very important for Indians without the knowledge of English. The Prime Minister’s compaign of ‘Make in India’ cannot be successful. English opens new vistas to the latest knowledge acquired by the western countries for Indians. English also functions as a link language between the South and North of India. So, our attitude to English as the second language in India must change. It should be taught to the students from the primary level of education. It is no longer a foreign language. It is the language of the job-marketing, too.

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निष्कर्ष – 

प्यार साथिया इस आर्टिकल में ऊपर में हमने बिहार बोर्ड 2025 के लिए मोस्ट इंर्पोटेंट सब्जेक्टिव क्वेश्चन आंसर बताए हैं आप लोग यदि इस सब्जेक्टिव क्वेश्चन आंसर को याद कर लेते हैं तो आपका परीक्षा में यही सब प्रश्न उत्तर हर साल पूछा जाता है तो आप लोग यह सब क्वेश्चन को याद जरूर कर ले 2025 के लिए काफी इंपोर्टेंट प्रश्न उत्तर आपके लिए बनाया गया है

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